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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Artemisia

116. Artemisia erlangshanensis Y. Ling & Y. R. Ling, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 4(2): 23. 1984.

二郎山蒿 er lang shan hao

Subshrubs, 50-130(-150) cm tall, densely viscid tomentose and glandular pubescent. Lower and middle stem leaves: petiole 2-3 cm or more; leaf blade suborbicular, broadly ovate, or ovate, 6-12 × 4-10 cm, abaxially arachnoid tomentose, including veins, adaxially sparsely gland-dotted and puberulent, 1(or 2)-pinnatipartite; segments 2 or 3 pairs, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 30-70 × 8-20 mm, margin usually 1- or 2-serrate. Uppermost leaves and leaflike bracts 3-5-lobed. Synflorescence a broad panicle. Capitula in clusters of 3-6(-8) along branchlets. Involucre hemispheric, subglobose, or broadly ovoid, 3-4 mm in diam.; phyllaries yellowish puberulent. Marginal female florets 8-15. Disk florets 15-25, bisexual. Achenes obovoid or oblong. Fl. and fr. Aug-Oct.

● Roadsides, slopes, ridges, canyons; 2300-3100 m. W Sichuan.


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