93. Ligularia nanchuanica S. W. Liu, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 5(4): 70. 1985.
南川橐吾 nan chuan tuo wu
Stem erect, to 120 cm tall, ca. 6 mm in diam. at base, proximally glabrous, distally often purplish red, densely shortly yellow pilose. Basal leaves petiolate; petiole 30-40 cm, slender, glabrous, base narrowly sheathed; sheath to 5 cm, glabrous; leaf blade ovate-cordate or ovate-reniform, 4-9 × 5-11 cm, abaxially densely shortly yellow pilose, adaxially glabrous, palmately veined, margin undulate-dentate, apex rounded or acute, mucronate; sinus ca. 1/3 as long as leaf blade, narrow, basal lobes suborbicular, 4-6 cm, margin coarsely dentate. Middle to distal stem leaves similar but shortly petiolate or sessile; sheath enlarged. Synflorescence paniculate-racemose, to 53 cm, proximally branched; branches ascending, shortly yellow pilose, basal ones to 18 cm, with small capitula; leaflike bracts linear-lanceolate, to 2 cm, smaller distally; peduncles 3-9 mm, shortly yellow pilose. Capitula numerous. Involucre narrowly campanulate, 8-11 × 4-5 mm, outside densely shortly yellow pilose; phyllaries 8, in 2 rows, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 1.5-3 mm wide, margin narrowly membranous, apex acute or acuminate. Tubular florets 7-8 mm; tube ca. 3 mm. Pappus yellow, slightly shorter than tubular corolla. Fl. Aug. 2n = 58*.
● Grasslands; 1300-2000 m. Chongqing (Nanchuan).
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