19. Ligularia yunnanensis (Franchet) C. C. Chang, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., Bot. 6: 67. 1935.
云南橐吾 yun nan tuo wu
Senecio yunnanensis Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 39: 303. 1893; Senecillis yunnanensis (Franchet) Kitamura.
Stem erect, 30-56 cm tall, slender, 2.5-4 mm in diam. at base, shortly brown pilose, or proximally glabrous. Basal leaves 2, petiolate; petiole 15-41 cm, slender, glabrous, base narrowly long sheathed; sheath ca. 8 cm; leaf blade abaxially pale green, adaxially green, reniform or orbicular-reniform, 3-6.5 × 7-11 cm, glabrous, palmately veined, margin coarsely triangular-dentate, tips of teeth black mucronate, apex rounded; sinus ca. 1/3 as long as leaf blade, broad. Stem leaves 2 or 3, similar but smaller, petiole to 21 cm, slender, base sheathed; sheath enlarged, cucullate, 2.5-4 cm, to 2 cm wide, or lower narrower. Capitula 9-14, in corymb; branches shorter, fasciated, shortly brown pilose; leaflike and supplementary bracts linear, ca. 1 cm; peduncles to 1.5 cm, densely shortly brown pilose. Involucre narrowly campanulate, 9-14 × 5-7 mm, outside glabrous; phyllaries 5-8, in 2 rows, oblong, 2-3.5 mm wide, margin membranous, apex acute or acuminate. Florets 6-20, yellow, all tubular, 7-8 mm; tube as long as limb of tubular corolla. Achenes pale brown, cylindric, 5-7 mm. Pappus white, as long as tubular corolla. Fl. and fr. May-Oct.
● Grassy slopes, forest understories, between rocks; 3100-4000 m. NW Yunnan.