28. Phyllostachys varioauriculata S. C. Li & S. H. Wu, J. Anhui Agric. Coll. 1981(2): 49. 1981.
乌竹 wu zhu
Phyllostachys hispida S. C. Li, S. H. Wu & S. Y. Chen.
Culms 3–4 m, 1–3 cm in diam.; internodes initially purple-green, becoming green or gray-green in age, ca. 30 cm, thinly white powdery, pilosulose, scabrous; nodal ridge raised, more prominent than sheath scar; intranode ca. 3 mm. Culm sheaths dark green-purple, with milky-white or purplish stripes, at lower nodes distally scattered with small, brown spots, white powdery, distally densely strigose; auricles purple, falcate or small, often only one developed; oral setae flexuose; ligule dark purple, truncate or arcuate, erose, purple or white ciliate; blade purple-green, narrowly triangular to lanceolate, base slightly narrower than apex of sheath. Leaves usually 2 per ultimate branch; auricles minute; oral setae deciduous; blade adaxially dark green, 5–11 × 0.9–1.5 cm, abaxially glaucous. Infloresence not known. New shoots Apr.
* Forests; below 300 m. Anhui, Jiangsu; cultivated in Zhejiang.
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