2. Schismatoglottis calyptrata (Roxburgh) Zollinger & Moritzi in Moritzi, Syst. Verz. 83. 1846.
广西落檐 guang xi luo yan
Calla calyptrata Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 514. 1832; Colocasia humilis Hasskarl; C. kotoensis Hayata; C. neoguineensis Linden ex André; Homalomena calyptrata (Roxburgh) Kunth; Schismatoglottis acutangula Engler; S. angustifolia Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. bitaeniata Engler; S. calyptrata var. ornata Ridley ex Engler; S. calyptratoides Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. cordifolia Ridley; S. djamuensis Engler; S. dorensis Gibbs; S. emarginata Engler; S. hellwigiana Engler; S. hellwigiana var. subcordata Engler; S. klossii Ridley; S. kotoensis (Hayata) T. C. Huang, J. L. Hsiao & H. Y. Yeh; S. longipes Miquel; S. maculata Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. neoguineensis (Linden ex André) N. E. Brown; S. nieuwenhuisii Engler; S. parvifolia Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. picta Schott; S. potamophila Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. pseudocalyptrata Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. riparia Schott; S. ruttenii Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. sublaxiflora Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; S. tenuifolia Engler; S. vanvuurenii Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh; Zantedeschia calyptrata (Roxburgh) K. Koch.
Herbs, stoloniferous, 15-60 cm tall. Petiole 5-50 cm, smooth, proximal 1/3 sheathing, sheath persistent; leaf blade mid-green, sometimes variegated, cordate to sagittate, 7-35 × 4-18 cm; midrib abaxially prominent, primary lateral veins 6-15 per side, entirely raised abaxially, nearly always raised adaxially toward midrib, marginally impressed, secondary venation arising mostly from midrib. Inflorescences 1-8 together; peduncle erect at anthesis, then deflexed, 6-20 cm. Spathe 3.5-12 cm, basal part green, narrowly ovoid, ca. 1/2 length of whole spathe limb, differentiated by an abrupt constriction, at female anthesis much inflated, creamy to pale greenish yellow, narrowing and turbinate, completely surrounding spadix and gaping ventrally or with margins loosely overlapping, conspicuously mucronate at apex, caducous immediately after female anthesis. Spadix ca. 3/4 length of spathe, narrowly hourglass-shaped; female zone ca. 1/2 length of spadix, obliquely inserted or partially adnate to spathe, 5-8 mm in diam., distally tapering; pistils congested, pale green, flask-shaped, ca. 1 × 0.5 mm, distally more widely spaced and subglobose; interpistillar staminodes few, white, clavate, taller than pistils; sterile zone absent; male zone ivory, narrowly obconic, ca. 1/2 length of female zone, distally 0.5-1 cm in diam.; anthers dumbbell-shaped, ca. 0.5 × 1 mm; appendix creamy yellow, bullet-shaped, basally somewhat wider than apex of male zone; appendix staminodes columnar, irregularly polygonal, ca. 0.5 mm in diam. Fruiting spathe declined, urceolate. Fl. Jun.
Dense tropical forests, forest understories, on rocks; 700-900 m. Guangxi (Longling, Longzhou), Taiwan [SE Asia, Pacific islands].
The stems are used as a tonic medicine to treat lumbago and arthralgia.