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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Liliaceae | Aletris

3. Aletris stenoloba Franchet, J. Bot. (Morot). 10: 203. 1896.

狭瓣粉条儿菜 xia ban fen tiao er cai

Aletris longibracteata T. L. Xu; A. spicata (Thunberg) Franchet var. fargesii Franchet.

Leaves numerous, densely tufted, linear, 5--35 cm × (2--)3--5(--8) mm. Scape 25--80 cm. Raceme 5--35 cm, laxly 10--60-flowered; rachis pubescent. Flowers subsessile; pedicel absent to 1(--2) mm, pubescent; bract and bracteole borne on distal part of pedicel, linear-lanceolate, proximally pubescent; bract 4--8(--11) mm, shorter than or equaling flower (sometimes a few bracts at base of raceme to 2 × flower length), apex acute. Perianth white or pale yellow, sometimes apically tinged pink, 4--7 mm, sparsely pubescent, rarely densely so; tube urceolate; lobes ± erect, narrowly oblong lanceolate to linear, 2.5--4 × 0.5--1 mm, usually ca. 1 × tube length or longer, apex obtuse to acute. Capsule ovoid, not angular, 4--6 × 3--4.5 mm, not or only slightly constricted distally when dehisced, apex of valves abruptly narrowed; style 1--2 mm; stigma not or only slightly thickened. Fl. Mar--Jul, fr. May--Sep.

* Forests, Pinus plantations, pastures, grassy slopes, hillsides, streamsides, wet hollows, moist shaded cliffs; 300--3300 m. Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan.

Aletris stenoloba is very similar to A. spicata and the two species may easily be confused in the absence of fruiting material; the capsule shape is the most reliable distinguishing character. Fruiting material of A. stenoloba and A. laxiflora may also be confused, although the latter differs in its glabrous perianth with lobes 1--5 × tube length.


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