38. Ophiopogon revolutus F. T. Wang & L. K. Dai in F. T. Wang & Tang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 15: 253. 1978.
卷瓣沿阶草 juan ban yan jie cao
Roots slender, white hairy, sometimes with small, tuberous part near tip. Leaves basal, tufted, indistinctly petiolate, abaxially glaucous, grasslike, 25--50 × 0.8--1.2 cm, base attenuate, margin serrulate; leaf tufts surrounded by broadly lanceolate sheaths. Scape 20--40 cm. Inflorescence a raceme or a reduced panicle, 8--23 cm, 10--24-flowered; bracts subulate, basal one 16--28 mm. Flowers solitary or sometimes paired; pedicel 7--9 mm, articulate near base. Tepals revolute, white or purplish, linear, ca. 9 × 1.5 mm. Filaments very short; anthers ca. 7 mm, slightly connate or free. Style ca. 8 mm, slender. Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 9 × 5 mm. Fl. and fr. Sep--Oct. 2 n = 36*.
Rainforests, evergreen broad-leaved forests, dense or sparse forests; 500--1900 m. S Yunnan [Thailand].
Tanaka (in J. Jap. Bot. 74: 321--328. 1999) reduced Ophiopogon revolutus to the synonymy of O. griffithii. However, one of us (Tamura) prefers to maintain the former species and regard the latter as a synonym of the very variable O. intermedius.