1. Streptopus ovalis (Ohwi) F. T. Wang & Y. C. Tang in F. T. Wang & Tang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 15: 49. 1978.
卵叶扭柄花 luan ye niu bing hua
Disporum ovale Ohwi, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 45: 385. 1931; Prosartes ovalis (Ohwi) M. N. Tamura.
Rhizome elongate, slender, ca. 2 mm thick. Stem sometimes branched distally, ± flexuous, 20--45 cm, pubescent. Leaves oblong, ovate-lanceolate, or ovate-elliptic, 4--11 × 2--4 cm, thinly papery, base cordate, margin ciliate-denticulate, apex long acuminate. Flowers (2 or)3 or 4 in a terminal, umbel-like inflorescence, suberect; pedicel 1.5--3 cm, pubescent. Tepals white, spotted with purple, ovate-lanceolate, 8--9 × 2--3 mm, apex cuspidate-caudate. Filaments ca. 3 mm; anthers elliptic. Ovary globose, winged along angles. Style 3.5--4 mm, much longer than ovary; stigma distinctly 3-lobed. Berry 2- or 3-seeded. Seeds suborbicular, furrowed. Fl. May, fr. Aug.
Forests. SW Liaoning [Korea].
Tamura (in Kubitzki, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 3: 171. 1998) included this species in the American genus Prosartes D. Don. Further studies are needed in order to ascertain whether this species should be included in Prosartes or Streptopus.