8. Lycoris x albiflora Koidzumi, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 38: 100. 1924.
乳白石蒜 ru bai shi suan
Bulbs ovoid, ca. 4 cm in diam. Leaves appearing in spring, green, ligulate, ca. 35 × 1.5 cm, midvein not distinctly pale, apex obtuse. Flowering stem ca. 60 cm. Umbel 6--8-flowered; involucres 2, oblanceolate, ca. 3.5 × 1.2 cm. Perianth pink in bud, usually creamy at anthesis, later white; tube ca. 2 cm; lobes recurved, adaxially with a few scattered, pink stripes, abaxially with red midvein, oblanceolate, ca. 6 × 1.2 cm, margin undulate. Stamens nearly as long as or slightly longer than perianth; filament pale red at apex. Style slightly longer than perianth; stigma rose red. Fl. Aug--Sep. 2 n = 16, 17, 18.
Mountain slopes. Jiangsu [Japan, Korea].
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