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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Zingiberaceae | Curcuma

10. Curcuma flaviflora S. Q. Tong, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 8: 37. 1986.

黄花姜黄 huang hua jiang huang

Plants 30--40 cm tall. Rhizomes small, aromatic; roots fusiform tuberous at tip. Petiole 4--7 cm; leaf blade 20--24 × 7--8 cm, adaxially glabrous, abaxially densely pubescent, base cuneate, apex acuminate. Inflorescences on separate shoots arising from rhizomes; peduncle 5--9 cm, scalelike sheaths purplish red; spike 4.5--6 × 2.5--3 cm; fertile bracts pale purplish red, ovate-orbicular to ovate, 4--4.5 × 2.6--3 cm, densely pubescent, apex acuminate; coma bracts absent. Calyx ca. 2 cm, apex 3-toothed, ciliate. Corolla tube white, ca. 4 cm, densely white pubescent, throat glabrous; lobes pale yellow, narrowly lanceolate, 1.8--2.4 cm × 7--9 mm. Lateral staminodes pale yellow with deep yellow center, elliptic, ca. 2.2 × 1.2 cm. Labellum pale yellow with deep yellow center, obovate, 2.5--2 cm, glabrous, base with 2 longitudinal, red stripes, apex 2-cleft. Ovary white pubescent. Fl. Jun.

* Forests; ca. 1400 m. SW Yunnan (Menghai Xian).


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