2. Etlingera yunnanensis (T. L. Wu & S. J. Chen) R. M. Smith, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 43: 251. 1986.
茴香砂仁 hui xiang sha ren
Achasma yunnanense T. L. Wu & S. J. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16(3): 40. 1978.
Pseudostems tufted, 2--3 m. Ligule ovate, entire, 1--1.5 cm; petiole ca. 5 mm; leaf blade lanceolate, 50--60 × 7--5.5 cm, glabrous. Inflorescence a head borne on surface of ground (resembling a capitulum of Chrysanthemum Linnaeus); peduncle embedded in ground, short; bracts red, ovate, 2.5--3 × 2--3 cm; bracteoles tubular, ca. 2.7 cm × 7 mm. Flowers numerous, 6 opening together in a circle, red. Calyx 3.5--4 cm, apex 3-toothed. Corolla shorter than calyx. Labellum exserted from corolla, purple at center, yellow at margin, free part 2.5--3 cm, apex 2-cleft. Free part of filament ca. 5 mm; anther 6--8 mm. Ovary ca. 5 mm, pubescent. Style flat. Capsule turbinate, 2.5--3 cm, densely pubescent. Fl. Jun. 2 n = 48*.
* Forests; ca. 600 m. S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna Dai Zu Zizhizhou).
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