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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

165. Opisthopappus C. Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(3): 110. 1979.

太行菊属 tai hang ju shu

Authors: Zhu Shi, Christopher J. Humphries & Michael G. Gilbert

Herbs, perennial, with somewhat woody stem basally. Leaves pinnatisect. Capitula heterogamous, radiate, 1-3 at apex, corymbose. Involucres cup-shaped; phyllaries in 4 rows, with broad scarious margins. Receptacle convex to conical, epaleate. Ray florets in 1 row; lamina white or pink. Disk florets many, bisexual, yellow, tubular, 5-lobed. Anthers obtuse at base, with apical lanceolate appendage. Style branches linear, apex truncate. Achenes obovoid, 3- or 4-ribed. Pappus represented by 4-6 separate, unequal, mainly abaxial subulate scales.

● One species: China.

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