59. Paraprenanthes C. C. Chang ex C. Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26: 418. 1988.
假福王草属 jia fu wang cao shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Norbert Kilian
Herbs, perennial or more rarely annual. Stem usually solitary, erect, branched apically, glabrous or glandular hairy, leafy or rarely ± leafless. Leaves pinnately lobed or more rarely undivided. Synflorescence with capillaceous branches. Capitula often pendent at anthesis, with 4-15 florets; peduncle capillaceous. Involucre narrowly cylindric. Phyllaries usually green and tinged pale purplish red, glabrous; outer phyllaries few, gradually longer centripetally, mostly much shorter than inner phyllaries; inner phyllaries usually 5 or 8, ± equal in length, ± linear-lanceolate to linear. Receptacle naked. Florets pale reddish or purple. Achene body dark to blackish brown, fusiform, weakly compressed, with 5 main ribs (2 lateral, 1 median ventrally, and 2 median dorsally) and 2 rather similar secondary ribs in between, apically attenuate and pale but without or rarely with a short beak. Pappus white, single, of slender scabrid bristles.
Twelve species: E and SE Asia; 12 species (11 endemic) in China.
1 |
Involucre with 5(or 6) inner phyllaries |
(2) |
+ |
Involucre with ca. 8 inner phyllaries |
(5) |
2 (1) |
Stem leafless or with a single or very few leaves; leaves mostly undivided or more rarely with 1 pair of very small ovate lateral lobes. |
6 P. umbrosa |
+ |
Stem leafy throughout; leaves with 1-7 pairs of lateral lobes or more rarely undivided |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Lower and middle stem leaves pinnatisect to subpinnatisect, with 4-7 pairs of ± narrowly elliptic lateral lobes, rachis for most part not or narrowly winged. |
10 P. dolichophylla |
+ |
Lower and middle stem leaves lyrately pinnatifid to pinnatisect, with 1-4 pairs of elliptic to triangular lobes or more rarely undivided, rachis for most part at least broadly winged |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Stem leaves with mostly a slender cuneately winged petiole and undivided blade or blade lyrately pinnatipartite to lyrately pinnatisect with 1 or 2(or 3) pairs of lobes. |
8 P. diversifolia |
+ |
Stem leaves with an unwinged petiole and lyrately pinnatifid to lyrately pinnatipartite blade with 3 or 4 pairs of lobes. |
9 P. heptantha |
5 (1) |
Middle and upper stem leaves auriculately to sagittately clasping stem |
(6) |
+ |
Stem leaves not clasping stem and except for uppermost ± petiolate |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Leaves sagittately clasping stem; outer phyllaries longest 5-8 mm. |
2 P. yunnanensis |
+ |
Leaves auriculately clasping stem; outer phyllaries longest 4-5 mm. |
3 P. auriculiformis |
7 (5) |
Stem leaves all palmately 3-lobed or palmately 3-cleft. |
11 P. multiformis |
+ |
Stem leaves undivided or pinnately lobed with 1-8 pairs of lateral lobes |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Middle stem leaves sessile, 3-parted, with to 20 cm linear terminal lobe and 1 pair of very small broadly linear-lanceolate lateral lobes at its base. |
12 P. longiloba |
+ |
Middle stem leaves petiolate, undivided or pinnately divided with (1 or)2-5 pairs of lateral lobes |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Middle stem leaves lyrately pinnate, pinnatifid, or pinnatisect with broader lateral or terminal lobes or rarely undivided |
(10) |
+ |
Middle stem leaves pinnatisect with conspicuously narrow and longish (most of them linear or linear-lanceolate) lateral and terminal lobes |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Leaves adaxially glaucous, margin shallowly and distantly dentate; synflorescence corymbiform; achene ca. 5 mm, attenuate into a pale stout ca. 1 mm beak. |
1 P. polypodiifolia |
+ |
Leaves adaxially green, margin usually strongly dentate; synflorescence narrowly paniculiform; achene 4-5 mm, attenuate into a pale ca. 1 mm beaklike apex. |
7 P. sororia |
11 (9) |
Basal leaves undivided but other leaves pinnatisect with 1-3(or 4) pairs of lateral lobes. |
4 P. prenanthoides |
+ |
All but uppermost leaves pinnatisect, with 2-8 pairs of lateral lobes. |
5 P. glandulosissima |
List of lower taxa
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