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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

120. Ohwia H. Ohashi, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., Ser. 4, Biol. 40: 243. 1999.

小槐花属 xiao huai hua shu

Authors: Puhua Huang & Hiroyoshi Ohashi

Catenaria Bentham in Miquel, Pl. Jungh. 217, 220. 1852, not Roussel (1806), nor Sternberg (1825).

Shrubs. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules persistent; petiole winged. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, pseudoracemose or paniculate. Calyx narrowly campanulate, 4-lobed; upper lobe bifid at apex, lowest lobe longer than lateral ones. Corolla white to pale yellow; petals slightly callose, distinctly veined; standard elliptic, clawed; keel longer than wings. Androecium diadelphous; vexillary stamen free. Disk present around base of gynoecium. Pistil stipitate; style curved upward; stigma small. Loments linear; articles narrowly elliptic. Cotyledons epigeous.

Two species: E and SE Asia; two species (one endemic) in China.

1 Apices of leaflets attenuate to caudate; flowers 6-6.5 mm; corolla greenish or yellowish white.   1 O. caudata
+ Apices of leaflets obtuse; flowers ca. 9 mm; corolla pale yellow.   2 O. luteola

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