29. Tribe FABEAE
野豌豆族 ye wan dou zu
Authors: Bojian Bao, Nicholas J. Turland & Gregory Kenicer
Herbs annual or perennial. Stems erect, trailing, or climbing by means of tendrils. Leaves usually paripinnate, with rachis terminating in a tendril, bristle, or mucro, very rarely imparipinnate or reduced to a phyllode; stipules often leaflike, oblique or semisagittate; leaflets 1- to many paired, margin entire, rarely dentate; stipels absent. Inflorescence an axillary raceme, or flowers in axillary fascicles or solitary. Calyx ± campanulate, equally or unequally 5-toothed. Corolla papilionaceous. Stamens 10; vexillary filament free or ± connate with others into an adaxially split sheath, free part of filaments filiform or distally dilated; anthers versatile, uniform. Ovary with 2 or more ovules; style hairy or glabrous. Legume usually laterally compressed, 2-valved, (1 or)2- to many seeded. Seeds globose, oblate, lenticular, or oblong.
Five genera and ca. 330 species: N temperate zone, extending to tropical E Africa, Pacific islands (Hawaii), and South America; four genera (two introduced) and 60 species (16 endemic, eight introduced) in China.
The fifth genus of the tribe is Vavilovia Fedorov, with one species, V. formosa (Steven) Fedorov, distributed in SW Asia.
The tribe Fabeae was incorrectly named Vicieae in FRPS. It must be called Fabeae because it includes the type of the family Fabaceae, Faba Miller (a synonym of Vicia); see the Vienna Code (Art. 19.4).