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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae


岩黄耆族 yan huang qi zu

Authors: Yingxin Liu, Langran Xu, Zhaoyang Chang, Xiangyun Zhu, Hang Sun, Gennady P. Yakovlev, Byoung-Hee Choi, Kai Larsen & Bruce Bartholomew

Herbs, shrublets, shrubs, or rarely small trees. Stipules often scarious, usually basally adnate to petiole and sometimes connate around stem. Leaves imparipinnate, paripinnate, 1-foliolate, or sometimes rachis reduced and apparently digitately compound; stipels absent; leaflets opposite, margin entire. Racemes axillary, sometimes shortened and apparently fasciculate or reduced to a solitary flower; bract and bracteoles small. Corolla marcescent or deciduous; standard generally narrowed to a short claw; wings sometimes very reduced; keel with leading edge ± truncate. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); vexillary stamen free or connate in middle with others; anthers uniform, dorsifixed, with broad connective. Ovary 1- to several ovuled. Legume mostly articulate and moniliform or flat­tened, some not articulate or reduced to a single article, indehiscent, often with bristles or spines. Seeds reni­form or subreniform, with a small hilum.

Twelve genera and 400-460 species: N and NE Africa, Asia, Europe, North America; eight genera and 121 species (52 endemic, one introduced) in China.

1 Leaves 1-foliolate (but also see Corethrodendron scoparium).   153 Alhagi
+ Leaves pinnately compound or sometimes rachis reduced and leaves apparently digitately compound   (2)
2 (1) Leaves paripinnate with rachis often extending beyond last leaflet pair or rachis reduced and leaves apparently digitate   (3)
+ Leaves imparipinnate   (4)
3 (2) Flowers solitary with pedicel articulate with a very short peduncle or 2-5 in a fascicle at end of a very short peduncle; legume cylindric or compressed.   155 Caragana
+ Flowers 2-5 in a raceme with a 1.5-3 cm peduncle; legume inflated.   156 Halimodendron
4 (2) Legume reduced to 1 subglobose article; annual or perennial herbs; corolla wings ca. 1/4 as long as standard.   151 Onobrychis
+ Legume articulate and divided into (1 or)2-5(-7) articles or else cylindric or linear and multiseeded; perennial herbs, shrublets, shrubs, or rarely small trees; corolla wings 2/5 to as long as standard, or if 1/4-1/3 as long as standard then shrublets   (5)
5 (4) Legume cylindric or linear and not divided into articles.   154 Calophaca
+ Legume articulate and divided into several articles   (6)
6 (5) Plants spiny.   152 Eversmannia
+ Plants unarmed   (7)
7 (6) Legume adaxial suture grooved; corolla standard not turned backward at anthesis, keel with claw longer than half of lamina; shrublets with stems conspicuous; corolla marcescent on mature legume; stipules deciduous; pollen colporoidate.   149 Corethrodendron
+ Legume sutures connate or winged; corolla standard turned backward at anthesis, keel with claw half or less than half as long as lamina; perennial herbs, if shrublets then stems inconspicuous; corolla mostly deciduous at mature legume; stipules marcescent or deciduous; pollen colpate or colporoidate.   150 Hedysarum

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