244. Gentiana winchuanensis T. N. Ho in T. N. Ho & S. W. Liu, Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London (Bot.). 23: 59. 1993.
汶川龙胆 wen chuan long dan
Annuals 8-10 cm tall. Stems ascending, branched from base. Leaves widely spaced; petiole 2-3 mm; leaf blade ovate, 4-6 × 2-4 mm, shorter than internodes, margin cartilaginous and ciliolate, apex acute, midvein distinct. Flowers many, sessile. Calyx narrowly obconic, 1.3-1.7 cm; lobes triangular, 1.5-2 mm, margin cartilaginous and ciliolate, apex acuminate, midvein strongly keeled and decurrent basally into conspicuous wings of calyx tube. Corolla blue-purple, with yellow and blackish spots in throat, salverform, 2.5-3 cm; lobes ovate, 6-7 mm, margin entire, apex acute and cuspidate; plicae ovate, 5-6 mm, margin denticulate, apex obtuse. Stamens inserted at middle of corolla tube, equal; filaments 4.5-5 mm; anthers ellipsoid, 1-1.5 mm. Style 1-1.5 mm; stigma lobes oblong. Capsules narrowly ellipsoid, ca. 1 cm, apex long attenuate; gynophore ca. 5 mm. Seeds brown, ellipsoid, 1-1.2 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul.
* Forests; ca. 2400 m. N Sichuan.
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