15. Limonium rezniczenkoanum Linczevski in Komarov, Fl. URSS. 18: 434. 1952.
新疆补血草 xin jiang bu xue cao
Herbs, perennial, to 40 cm tall. Caudex woody, thick, with many heads, densely covered with persistent petiole bases. Leaves all basal, many; petiole 2 X or more as long as blade; leaf blade oblong-spatulate, 3--6 X 0.4--0.6 cm, base attenuate, apex rounded and with a short acumen. Inflorescences 10--12, straight, base many branched; sterile branches many, long, with many branchlets; spikes 2 or 3, capitate at apex, with 5--7 spikelets; spikelets 2--4-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 3--4 mm, glabrous; first bractlet lemon yellow, to 1--1.2 cm, membranous except at base, glabrous. Calyx funnelform, ca. 10 mm; tube densely pubescent; limb lemon-yellow, lobes acute. Corolla orange-yellow. Fl. Jul.
Rocky slopes. NW Xinjiang [Kazakhstan (Saur Mts.)].
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