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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

313. Pedicularis nyingchiensis H. P. Yang & Y. Tateishi, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 31: 288. 1993.

林芝马先蒿 lin zhi ma xian hao

Herbs perennial, ca. 12--15 cm tall, drying ± black. Roots slender. Stems usually 8--10, cespitose; lateral branches procumbent to ascending, sparsely white villous. Leaves alternate; petiole 1--5 cm; leaf blade ovate-oblong to oblong, 2--5 X 1--2 cm, adaxially white villous; segments 7--9 pairs, ovate to oblong, coarsely dentate. Inflorescences short racemose; bracts leaflike. Pedicel 0.3--2 cm. Calyx cylindric, 7--8 mm, sparsely white villous; lobes 5, unequal. Corolla cream colored, 1.6--2 cm; tube expanded and slightly curved apically; galea falcate, 7--9 mm, rounded in front, apex sometimes acute; lower lip ca. 1 cm, erose, middle lobe emarginate, much projecting. Anterior filament pair pubescent. Fl. May--Jun, fr. Jul--Aug.

* On rocks at streamsides, Quercus thickets; 3000--3300 m. E Xizang.


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