309. Pedicularis stylosa H. P. Yang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 242. 1980.
长柱马先蒿 zhang zhu ma xian hao
Herbs perennial, 8--10 cm tall, drying black. Roots numerous. Stems scapelike, white woolly. Basal leaves usually in a rosette; petiole 1--5 cm, pubescent; leaf blade linear-lanceolate to linear, 2--7 cm X 5--10 mm, abaxially white scurfy, adaxially pilose, pinnatisect; segments 15--25 pairs, ovate to oblong, dentate. Stem leaves 1 or 2. Inflorescences racemose; bracts linear. Pedicel 2--4 mm. Calyx oblong, ca. 1 cm, slightly cleft anteriorly, white woolly, 5-lobed. Corolla yellow, ca. 2.3 cm; tube erect, longer than calyx; galea not rounded in front, distinctly obliquely truncate at apex; lower lip shorter than galea, ca. 6 X 8 mm, middle lobe rounded, smaller than lateral pair. Anterior filament pair pubescent. Stigma long exserted, to 4 mm. Fl. Jun.
* ca. 4300 m. S Xizang.
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