7e. Circaea alpina subsp. micrantha (A. K. Skvortsov) Boufford, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 959. 1983.
高寒露珠草 gao han lu zhu cao
Circaea micrantha A. K. Skvortsov, Byull. Glavn. Bot. Sada (Moscow) 103: 36. 1977.
Plants 4-25 cm tall. Stem glabrous or minutely pubescent, rarely densely pubescent. Leaves translucent, narrowly ovate to broadly triangular, (1-)2-6.5 × 0.8-4 cm, base cordate, less often truncate, margin sharply dentate to serrate, apex acute or shortly acuminate. Inflorescence a simple raceme or with 1 or 2, rarely more, lateral racemes arising from base, densely to sparsely pubescent with glandular hairs; flowering pedicel ascending or erect, glabrous or glandular pubescent, basally with a setaceous bracteole; flowers opening before elongation of raceme and clustered at its tip. Buds glabrous; ovary glabrous or rarely with minute uncinate hairs at anthesis; floral tube nearly absent to 0.4 mm. Sepals ovate to broadly ovate to oblong ovate, apex rounded or minutely mammiform. Petals white or pink, obtriangular to obovate, apical notch absent or to 1/5 length of petal; petal lobes, when present, truncate to rounded. Uncinate hairs of fruit unpigmented or occasionally with purple pigment. Fl. Jun-Sep(-Oct), fr. Jul-Nov. Chromosome number unknown.
Moist thickets and coniferous forests, grassy alpine areas; 3100-5000 m. Gansu, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, N Myanmar, Nepal].
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