30a. Rhodiola rosea var. rosea
红景天(原变种) hong jing tian (yuan bian zhong)
Sedum roseum (Linnaeus) Scopoli, Fl. Carniol. ed. 2, 1: 326. 1771; Rhodiola elongata (Ledebour) Fischer & C. A. Meyer; R. rosea var. elongata (Ledebour) H. Jacobsen; R. telephioides (Maximowicz) S. H. Fu; Sedum caerulans H. Léveillé & Vaniot; S. elongatum Ledebour; S. rhodiola de Candolle; Sedum suboppositum Maximowicz var. telephioides Maximowicz.
Flowering stems 20-30 cm. Leaves oblong to elliptic-oblanceolate, to 3.5 cm, margin entire or apically few dentate. Inflorescences corymbiform. Petals greenish yellow. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Jul-Sep.
Forested, grassy, or rocky slopes; 1800-2700 m. Hebei, Jilin, Shanxi, Xinjiang [Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia; Europe, North America].
Plants misidentified in FRPS as Rhodiola atropurpurea (Turczaninov) Trautvetter & C. A. Meyer belong to this variety.