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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Ranunculaceae | Batrachium

5a. Batrachium trichophyllum var. trichophyllum

毛柄水毛茛(原变种) mao bing shui mao gen (yuan bian zhong)

Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix ex Villars, Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 1: 335. 1786.

Stem nodes sparsely puberulent or glabrous. Petiole sheath abaxially usually sparsely strigose. Flower 0.6--1.5 cm in diam. Sepals 5, 2--4 mm. Petals 5, 3--7 mm. Stamens 10--25. Fl. Jun--Aug.

Swamps, ponds, rivers; 100--3600 m. Gansu, Heilongjiang, W Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, N Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Xizang [Kazakhstan, N Pakistan, Russia (Far East, Siberia); N Africa, Europe, North America].


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