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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Ajania

6. Ajania alabasica H. C. Fu in Ma, Fl. Intramongol. 6: 325. 1982.

内蒙亚菊 nei meng ya ju

Chrysanthemum alabasicum (H. C. Fu) H. Ohashi & Yonekura.

Subshrubs, 15-30 cm tall. Old branches brown or gray-brown, with many short sterile branches and long flowering branches. Sterile and flowering branches densely sericeous, glabrescent. Lower and middle stem leaves with petiole 2-4 mm; leaf blade spatulate or flabelliform, 0.5-1.5 × 0.2-1.5 cm, both surfaces gray-white, densely sericeous, tripartite or trisect, sometimes bipalmate pinnatisect; primary lateral lobes 1-paired; all lobes linear, oblong-linear, lanceolate, or long ovate, margin entire, apex acute or obtuse. Upper stem leaves 3-partite or entire. Capitulum solitary at branch tips. Involucres campanulate, 5-7 mm in diam.; phyllaries in 4 or 5 rows, margin broadly brown scarious, outer ones rhomboid-ovate, ca. 2 mm, abaxially densely or sparsely sericeous, middle and inner ones broadly elliptic, 4-5 mm, middle ones densely or sparsely sericeous. Florets yellow, exterior with sessile glands; marginal female florets 5, corolla narrowly tubular, ca. 2.5 mm, apex 4-denticulate; disk florets many, corolla tubular, ca. 3 mm. Achenes ca. 1 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun-Aug.

● Rocky slopes. S Nei Mongol (Otog Qi).


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