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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 22 | Poaceae | Anthoxanthum

2. Anthoxanthum glabrum (Trinius) Veldkamp, Blumea. 30: 347. 1985.

光稃香草 guang fu xiang cao

Hierochloë glabra Trinius in Sprengel, Neue Entdeck. Pflanzenk. 2:66. 1821; H. odorata (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois subsp. glabra (Trinius) Tzvelev.

Plant with slender creeping rhizomes. Culms 10–30 cm tall, 2- or 3-noded. Leaf sheaths pubescent with reflexed hairs, longer than internodes; basal leaf blades 2–5 cm × ca. 3 mm, culm leaves much shorter, glabrous or adaxial surface puberulous, apex acuminate; ligule 2–5 mm, obtuse. Panicle ovate or oblong in outline, 3–6 cm; branches spreading or ascending, smooth. Spikelets plumply elliptic, 2.5–4(–4.5) mm, yellowish brown, shining; glumes subequal, slightly shorter than spikelet, 1–3-veined; callus of staminate florets glabrous; lower florets staminate, lemmas equal to or longer than glumes, subglabrous or minutely puberulous on back near apex, margins ciliate, apex obtuse or emarginate and mucronate, mucro up to 0.5 mm; bisexual floret 2–2.5 mm, pubescent toward apex; palea 1-veined; anthers 1.7–2 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun–Sep.

Mountain slopes in wet grassy places; 500–3300 m. Anhui, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shandong, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang (Lin'an) [Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia].

This species is very close to Anthoxanthum nitens and is not clearly separable from the Asian forms of that species that have a glabrous callus. There is a tendency in A. glabrum to smaller panicles and spikelets and relatively shorter glumes, thereby imparting a slightly different habit.


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