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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

42. Astragalus falconeri Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg, sér. 7. 11(16): 4. 1868.

侧扁黄耆 ce bian huang qi

Astragalus badachschanicus Borissova; A. falconeri var. paucistrigosus K. T. Fu; A. hoffmeisteri (Klotzsch) Ali var. pilosulus Ali.

Plants ± densely covered with mostly spreading white hairs. Stems several to many, 15-40 cm, prostrate to ascending or erect, 1-3.5 mm thick, hairy. Leaves 1.5-5 cm, subsessile; stipules 1.5-8 mm, semicordate or orbicular, hairy on both sur­faces, apex ± long acuminate; rachis hairy; leaflets in 6-11 pairs, obovate, 3-11 × 1.5-6 mm, both surfaces rather densely covered with spreading white hairs, apex retuse to emarginate. Racemes at anthesis 2-3 cm, loosely 3-14-flowered, at fruiting time up to 5 cm; peduncle 2.5-6 cm, loosely to densely hairy; bracts linear, 1-2 mm, ciliate. Bracteoles 0.25-0.5 mm, often indistinct. Calyx 4.5-6 mm, sparsely to loosely covered with ± spreading, white or mixed white and dark violet hairs; teeth unequal, 1-3 mm. Petals pale yellow, at apex often pale to dark violet, all of nearly same length; standard widely elliptic to sub­orbicular, 9.5-13 × 6.5-9 mm, apex retuse to emarginate. Style below and at stigma densely hairy. Legumes with a stipe 4-7 mm, narrowly ellipsoid, 12-18 mm, 4-7 mm high, compressed laterally, keeled ventrally, deeply grooved dorsally, incompletely to nearly completely 2-locular; valves thin, densely cov­ered with spreading white hairs, glabrescent with age.

2400-3800 m. Xizang [NE Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pakistan, Tajiki­stan].


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