196. Astragalus fangensis N. D. Simpson, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 8: 242. 1915.
房县黄耆 fang xian huang qi
Plants caespitose, with appressed white hairs 0.2-0.3 mm. Stems several, prostrate to ascending, up to 25 cm, sparsely to loosely hairy. Leaves 3-7 cm; stipules 1-2(-3) mm, high connate behind stem, subglabrous or sparsely hairy; petiole 0.5-2 cm, like rachis sparsely hairy; leaflets in 5-8 pairs, elliptic, 4-9(-10) × 3-5(-8) mm, abaxially sparsely hairy, adaxially glabrous, apex retuse to emarginate. Racemes short, rather loosely 2-4-flowered; peduncle mostly solitary on 1 stem, 1(-1.5) cm, loosely hairy; bracts 0.5-1 mm, sparsely hairy. Calyx 4-5 mm, subglabrous to sparsely hairy; teeth unequal, 0.6-1.2 mm. Petals pale yellow to purplish; standard elliptic, (10-)12 × ca. 5 mm, apex retuse; wings ca. 10 mm, limbs narrowly triangular, widest at base, apex subacute; keel ca. 10 mm. Ovary with a stipe ca. 1.5 mm, narrowly linear, very shortly appressed hairy. Legumes unknown.
● About 1300 m. Hubei.
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