125. Astragalus guinanicus Y. H. Wu, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 17: 33. 1997.
贵南黄耆 gui nan huang qi
Plants 50-70 cm tall. Stems sparsely covered with short black hairs. Leaves 7-10 cm, subsessile; stipules 3-4 mm, narrowly triangular, black hairy; leaflets in 8 pairs, linear, 20-30 × 1-2.5 mm, abaxially with appressed white hairs, adaxially glabrous, apex acuminate. Racemes 28-32 cm, loosely 25-50-flowered; peduncle ca. 20 cm, covered with short black hairs; bracts white membranous, 3-4 mm, black hairy. Calyx 4-5 mm, rather densely black hairy; teeth 2-2.5 mm. Petals purple; standard obovate, ca. 10 × 5.5 mm, apex obtuse to emarginate; wings 7-8 mm, limbs obtuse at apex; keel ca. 5 mm. Ovary hairy or glabrous. Legumes globose, ca. 4 mm in diam.
● About 3200 m. Qinghai (Guinan).
No material of this species could be investigated.
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