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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

331. Astragalus hsinbaticus P. Y. Fu & Y. A. Chen, Fl. Pl. Herb. Chin. Bor.-Orient. 5: 175. 1976.

新巴黄耆 xin ba huang qi

Plants 4-15 cm tall, covered with mostly ascending to spreading, bifurcate, only white hairs. Leaves 8-18 cm; stipules 7-10 mm, adnate to petiole for ca. 2 mm, sparsely to loosely furnished with strongly asymmetrically bifurcate, subappressed hairs up to 2 mm, at margins with basifixed hairs; petiole 3-5 cm, like rachis loosely to rather densely covered with flexuous, asymmetrically to symmetrically bifurcate hairs 1-2(-2.5) mm; leaflets in 10-12 pairs, elliptic to obovate, 7-15 × 3-8 mm, both surfaces loosely to rather densely covered with ascending, ± medifixed hairs. Bracts ca. 5 mm, sparsely hairy. Flowers crowded at base of leaves. Calyx 11-15 mm, densely covered with flexuous, ± medifixed hairs 1-1.5 mm; teeth 2.5-5 mm. Petals whitish; standard narrowly obovate, 22-28 × ca. 6 mm, slightly constricted below middle, apex slightly retuse; wings 21-23 mm; keel 15-16 mm. Legumes 10-14 mm, ca. 5 mm high, slightly compressed laterally, shortly acuminate, 2-locu­lar; valves densely villous, with spreading, asymmetrically bi­furcate hairs ca. 2 mm.

Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol [Mongolia].


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