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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

257. Astragalus karkarensis Popov, Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 10: 17. 1947.

直荚黄耆 zhi jia huang qi

Plants herbaceous, with appressed to subappressed, ± medifixed, mostly white hairs 0.5-0.8 mm. Stems 5-15(-20) cm, very densely hairy. Leaves 2-6(-9) cm; stipules 2-3 mm, shortly adnate to petiole, distinctly to high connate behind stem, hairy; petiole 1-2 cm, like rachis densely covered with subap­pressed to partly ascending hairs; leaflets in 6-10 pairs, nar­rowly elliptic, 5-12(-16) × 1.5-3 mm, both surfaces densely to rather densely hairy, apex obtuse. Racemes ovoid, rather densely 5-14-flowered; peduncle 3-11 cm, densely hairy; bracts 2.5-3 mm, with extremely asymmetrically bifurcate to basi­fixed mainly black hairs. Calyx 9-11 mm, densely covered with flexuous, ascending, on ventral side predominantly white, on dorsal side predominantly black hairs; teeth 1-2 mm. Petals whitish violet; standard obovate, ca. 22 × 7 mm, apex emargi­nate; wings ca. 20 mm, limbs oblong-spatulate, apex obliquely incised; keel ca. 16 mm. Legumes subsessile, spreading, linear, straight or scarcely curved, 22-35 mm, ca. 3 mm high and wide, with a subulate, straight beak 4-6 mm, 2-locular; valves villous with asymmetrically bifurcate, subappressed to ascending or spreading, white hairs up to 1 mm and with fewer, more ap­pressed, shorter, black hairs.

Steppes. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan].


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