4. Barleria integrisepala H. P. Tsui, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 12: 269. 1990.
全缘萼假杜鹃 quan yuan e jia du juan
Shrubs to 1 m tall, evergreen. Stems sparsely lenticellate, strigose, soon glabrescent. Leaves clustered at shoot apices; petiole 3-5 cm, strigose; leaf blade ovate, narrowly ovate, or lanceolate, 3-4.5 × 0.7-1.8 cm, both surfaces pilose and strigose along veins, secondary veins 4-6 on each side of midvein, base cuneate and decurrent onto petiole, apex acute. Flowers axillary, solitary; bracteoles linear, ca. 14 × 1 mm, sparsely pilose. Pedicel short. Outer calyx lobes elliptic, ca. 1.3 × 0.7 cm, outside sparsely strigose, inside pilose, base cuneate, margin ciliate, apex acute; inner calyx lobes lanceolate, ca. 5 × 1 mm, margin ciliate, apex acuminate. Corolla bluish purple, funnel-shaped, ca. 3.5 cm; tube basally cylindric for ca. 7 mm, throat ca. 1.5 cm; lobes suborbicular, ca. 1.4 × 1.4 cm, subequal. Stamens 4; filaments basally pilose, longer pair ca. 1.7 cm with anthers ca. 4 mm, shorter pair ca. 4 mm with anthers ca. 1.5 mm; staminode 1, filament ca. 4 mm. Ovary subellipsoid, ca. 4 mm, glabrous; stigma enlarged. Capsule ellipsoid, ca. 1.7 cm, contracted at tip forming a beak, 4-seeded. Seeds ovate in outline, ca. 5 × 5 mm. Fl. Aug-Sep, fr. Nov-Dec.
● Thickets along streams; 1900-2000 m. Sichuan (Muli).