6. Campylotropis capillipes (Franchet) Schindler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 341. 1912.
细花梗杭子梢 xi hua geng hang zi shao
Shrubs, usually 1-2 m tall. Young branches shortly appressed hairy. Petiole 0.3-4 cm, densely shortly appressed hairy; stipels absent; leaflets obovate to oblong, terminal one 1-3 × 0.7-2 cm, both surfaces sparsely shortly appressed hairy or adaxially glabrous, base obtuse, apex retuse and mucronulate. Racemes ± densely flowered, 1.5-3(-8) cm. Pedicels slender, subfiliform, 6-20 mm, with appressed short hairs. Calyx with appressed short hairs; tube 1.8-2.7 mm; lobes triangular to nar-rowly triangular. Corolla purple to reddish purple; standard elliptic, 10-14 mm, apex obtuse; wings 10-14 mm, clawed at base; keel incurved, 12-16 mm, clawed at base. Ovary ca. 3.5 mm, puberulent or glabrous; style incurved, ca. 10 mm. Legume obliquely elliptic, 8-16 × 4.5-7 mm, shortly appressed hairy or glabrous, apex obtuse. Seeds reddish brown, reniform, ca. 2 × 3 mm. Fl. Sep-Nov, fr. Nov-Apr.
Forests, thickets, forest margins, valleys, mountain slopes, streamsides; 1000-3000 m. W Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan [Myanmar, Thailand].