21b. Campylotropis pinetorum subsp. velutina (Dunn) H. Ohashi, J. Jap. Bot. 49: 43. 1974.
绒毛叶杭子梢 rong mao ye hang zi shao
Lespedeza velutina Dunn, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 27: t. 2700. 1901; Campylotropis velutina (Dunn) Schindler; Millettia cavaleriei H. Léveillé.
Branches, inflorescence rachises, calyces, and abaxial surface of leaflets tawny velutinous. Leaflets oblong to narrowly ovate, apex rounded or obtuse. Fl. and fr. Dec-Apr.
● Mountain slopes, thickets, forest margins, sparse forests, open grassy slopes, streamsides; 700-2800 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan.
The root is used medicinally as an astringent and pain reliever.
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