3. Gueldenstaedtia taihangensis H. P. Tsui, Bull. Bot. Lab. N. E. Forest. Inst., Harbin. 1979(5): 40. 1979.
太行米口袋 tai hang mi kou dai
Gueldenstaedtia guangxiensis W. L. Sha & X. X. Chen.
Taproot straight. Stems many from root crown, with basal rosettes of leaves and rachis. Leaves (3-)3.5-7.5(-13) cm, 5-13-foliolate; petiole slender, pilose; petiolules very short; leaflets orbicular to ovate or elliptic, (5-)6-9(-10) × (3-)5-7(-8) mm, both surfaces pilose or abaxially villous and adaxially glabrous, base rounded, apex truncate or notched, or obtuse or acute and with mucro. Umbel 2- or 3(-12)-flowered; rachis equal to leaves or longer, slender; bracts narrowly triangular or linear; pedicel very short; bracteoles adnate to base of calyx. Calyx (5-)7 mm, densely appressed villous, 5-toothed; upper 2 teeth larger. Corolla purple; standard oblong or obovate, ca. 11 × (6-)7 mm; wings obovate, (7-)9 × ca. 3 mm, claw (1.5-)2 mm; keel ovate, (3-)5 mm. Ovary oblong or cylindric, villous; style glabrous, rolled inward. Legume conical or cylindric, (1-)1.5(-1.7) cm, ca. 3 mm in diam., pilose, valves twisted after dehiscence. Seeds reniform. Fl. (Jan-Feb or)May, fr. (Apr-May or)Aug.
● Meadows and bushes on slopes of hills; 1100-1600 m. Guangxi, Hebei, Shanxi.
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