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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Hedysarum

9. Hedysarum citrinum E. G. Baker, J. Bot. 73: 296. 1935.

黄花岩黄耆 huang hua yan huang qi

Herbs, perennial, 30-80 cm tall. Stems caespitose, erect. Stipules narrowly lanceolate, 1-1.3 cm, connate farther than middle. Leaves 8-16 cm, 15-19-foliolate; leaflet blades long ovate to ovate-oblong, 1.5-3 × 0.5-1 cm, abaxially sparsely pu­bescent, adaxially glabrous. Racemes lax, with many flowers; bracts lanceolate, 3-5 mm; peduncle as long as to longer than leaves. Pedicel 5-6 mm. Calyx obliquely campanulate, 5-6 mm, densely pubescent; teeth unequal, most abaxial tooth subu­late-lanceolate and ± as long as tube, other 4 teeth lanceolate and ca. 1/2 as long as tube. Corolla yellow; standard long obo­vate, 1-1.2 cm; wings ± as long as standard; keel ca. 2 mm longer than standard. Ovary glabrous or pubescent. Legume divided into 2-4 articles; articles ellipsoid-obovoid, subglo­bose, or rhomboid, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, compressed, glabrous, mar­gin entire or inconspicuous. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Aug-Sep. 2n = 14*.

● Forests, scrub, stony slopes; 3200-4200 m. W Sichuan, E Xi­zang.

This is one of the most variable species, particularly in size and shape of parts, which differ between habitats or localities. Even in an individual plant, the legume articles are usually variable. In the original de­scription, the corolla standard was reported as 1.4-1.5 cm and the lo­ments ca. 6 × 5 mm.


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