10. Lathyrus anhuiensis Y. J. Zhu & R. X. Meng, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 24: 402. 1986.
安徽山黧豆 an hui shan li dou
Lathyrus henanensis S. Y. Wang.
Herbs perennial, 80-120 cm tall. Stem erect, much branched, glabrous, wingless. Leaves 10-30 cm, mucronate or with a simple tendril at apex; stipules semisagittate, 8-15 × 2-5 mm; leaflets 3-8-paired, narrowly elliptic or narrowly ovate, 30-70 × 10-30 mm, glabrous, with pinnate veins, margin entire. Raceme subequal or shorter than leaf, ca. 10-flowered. Calyx campanulate, unequal; longest tooth ca. 1/5 length of tube. Corolla yellow, 14-18 mm; standard broadly obovate, with claw; wings shorter than standard, obovate, subequaling keel. Ovary linear, ca. 11 mm, purple-brown glandular hairy; style curved inward. Legume light brown, linear, 6-8 cm. Seeds brown, oblong. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jun-Sep.
● SE Anhui (Xuancheng), Henan.
This species is known from few gatherings: from the type gatherings of the species and its synonym Lathyrus henanensis (neither of which were available for this revision). Two incomplete specimens collected by Augustine Henry may represent additional gatherings of this: Aug. Henry 6595 (BM) and a specimen dated 1889 (K).