21. Leptodermis pumila H. S. Lo, J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 7(1): 18. 1999.
矮小野丁香 ai xiao ye ding xiang
Dwarf shrubs, 5-10 cm tall; taproots stout, lignose, brown; branches relatively short, pubescent, with many nodes. Leaves crowded on upper portion of short branches; petiole 1-2 mm; blade papery, elliptic or oblong, sometimes subobovate, 5-15 × 3-7 mm, pilose on midrib and lateral veins on both surfaces, base cuneate, apex acute; lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs, slightly prominent abaxially; stipules thick, triangular, 1.5-2 mm, densely pilose and ciliolate. Flowers sessile, 3 fascicled at tips of short branches; bracteoles 2, connate below middle portion, upper portion free, subtriangular, slightly shorter than or subequal to calyx in length, pilose. Calyx tube obconical, ca. 1.8 mm; lobes 5, subovate, ca. 1 mm, ciliolate, acute. Corolla pale red, funnelform; tube 1.1-1.2 cm, densely pilose outside, villous inside; lobes 5, ca. 3.5 mm, with thin and broad margins. Stamens 5, inserted below throat of corolla tube; filaments short; anthers linear, ca. 3 mm, slightly exserted. Style 7-8 mm; stigmas 3, filiform, ca. 2 mm. Fl. May.
● Grassy slopes; ca. 3000 m. NW Yunnan (Lijiang).