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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Ormosia

24. Ormosia ferruginea R. H. Chang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22: 112. 1984.

锈枝红豆 xiu zhi hong dou

Trees small, evergreen, ca. 2.5 m. Branches, buds, petiole, and rachis densely appressed rusty tomentose. Leaves impari­pinnate or paripinnate, 11-15.5 cm; petiole 1.3-2 cm; rachis 5-8.3 cm, prolonged ca. 2 mm below terminal leaflet, or termi­nating rachis; leaflets 13-19; petiolule ca. 2 mm, densely ap­pressed rusty brown tomentose; blades green adaxially, elliptic or obovate-elliptic, (2.1-)3-5.8 × 1.7-2 cm, leathery, midvein with brown tomentose hairs, sparsely appressed brownish pu­bescent abaxially, base rounded or cuneate, apex obtuse, slightly retuse; midvein raised, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, angled 40° with midvein, slightly arcuate, raised abaxially. Panicles or racemes terminal or axillary. Calyx deeply cleft to slightly be­low middle; teeth triangular, adaxially densely appressed rusty tomentose, obtuse at apex. Infructescence ca. 13 cm; pedicels 3-5 mm, densely appressed rusty tomentose. Legumes elliptic, 4-6 × 1.6-2 cm, apex shortly beaked, stipe 3-5 mm, dark blue-gray at maturity; valves thinly woody, smooth, glabrous, inter­nally septate. Seeds 2-4, red-brown, elliptic, slightly com­pressed, ca. 1 × 0.7 cm; hilum small, elliptic, ca. 3 mm, in­dented at narrow end. Fl. Jul, fr. Oct.

● Mountain slopes, open forest margins. Guangdong (Yangchun).

Ormosia ferruginea is similar to O. emarginata, but the former (excluding leaflets) is densely appressed rusty tomentose and has 13-19 leaflets that are sparsely appressed brown pubescent abaxially, while the latter is largely glabrous and has only 5-7 leaflets.


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