50. Phyllostachys rubicunda T. H. Wen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16(4): 98. 1978.
红后竹 hong hou zhu
Phyllostachys concava Z. H. Yu & Z. P. Wang; P. retusa T. H. Wen.
Culms ca. 6 m, 3–4.5 cm in diam.; internodes initially deep purple-green, 26–30 cm, often thinly white powdery es-pecially below nodes, glabrous; nodal ridge equal to or slightly more prominent than sheath scar. Culm sheaths pale green, with purple stripes, glabrous or sparsely strigose, margins with alternating white and red-tinged cilia; auricles absent or small on distal sheaths; oral setae absent or several, short on distal sheaths; ligule strongly concave in upper and mid-culm sheaths, green, 1–1.5 mm, margin with intermixed, irregular, white and faintly red cilia; blade pale green, apex pale purple, triangular to lanceolate. Leaves 3 or 4 per ultimate branch; auricles absent; oral setae developed; ligule not exserted; blade 6–12.5 × 1–2.2 cm. Inflorescence not known. New shoots mid to late May.
* Valley woods, cultivated. Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang.
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