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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Soroseris

4. Soroseris pumila Stebbins, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 19(3): 38. 1940.

矮小绢毛菊 ai xiao juan mao ju

Herbs, perennial, rosulate, with a taproot. Rosette shoot with conspicuous subterranean portion with cataphylls. Cataphylls below rosette leaves several to many, ovate to narrowly lanceolate and higher up linear, apex acute. Above-ground leaves in a dense rosette, often abaxially purplish, with a 1-5 cm petiole; leaf blade spatulate, 0.5-2.5 × 0.3-1 cm, ± pilose, base cuneate, margin coarsely dentate to shallowly pinnatifid, apex obtuse. Synflorescence flat to ± hemispheric, with numerous closely crowded capitula. Capitula with 4 florets; peduncle 2-10 mm. Involucre narrowly cylindric, 7-9 × 3-4 mm. Outer phyllaries ca. 2, linear, slightly longer than inner ones, pilose; inner phyllaries 4, apex obtuse to subacute. Florets yellow. Anther tube and style blackish. Achene brown, subfusiform, 3.5-4.5 mm. Pappus whitish to straw-colored and grayish apically, 8-10 mm.

Scree slopes; 4300-4900 m. S Xizang (Yadong) [Bhutan, India (Sikkim)].


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