190. Rubus fanjingshanensis L. T. Lu ex Boufford et al., J. Arnold Arbor. 71: 123. 1990.
梵净山悬钩子 fan jing shan xuan gou zi
Shrubs trailing, small. Branchlets brown to brownish, dark brown in age, terete, villous, with thin needle-like prickles slightly dilated at base, with stalked glands. Leaves simple; petiole 4–8 mm, villous, with needle-like prickles, stipitate glandular; stipules free, 1.4–1.8 × 1–1.4 cm, both surfaces villous, with glandular hairs, palmatiparted 1/3–1/2 to base; lobes lanceolate to triangular-lanceolate, 3–7 × 1.3–3 mm; blade orbicular or suborbicular, 7–11 × 6.5–11 cm, veins raised abaxially, abaxially pale, adaxially dark green, both surfaces appressed villous, more densely so abaxially, veins glabrescent, sparsely hairy in age, abaxially with needle-like prickles, sometimes with sparse, intermixed stalked glands, base deeply cordate, margin 5(–7)-lobed; lobes obtuse to rounded, terminal lobe slightly longer than or ca. as long as lateral lobes, margin irregularly sharply serrate. Inflorescences not seen; infructescences terminal, short racemes, 4–5 cm, or clusters in leaf axils; rachis, fruiting pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx villous, with needle-like prickles, sometimes with sparse, intermixed stipitate glands; bracts similar to stipules, but smaller. Fruiting pedicel 8–11 mm. Calyx tube cupular; sepals 5, broadly ovate-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, 0.8–1.4 cm × 4–6 mm, outer sepals dissected apically; lobes linear to linear-lanceolate, 2–5 × 1–1.5 mm, apex caudate. Stamens many, 3–4 mm; filaments somewhat broadened basally; anthers globose or shortly oblong. Pistils numerous, glabrous; torus raised, long hairy. Aggregate fruit red, subglobose, 7–10 mm in diam., glabrous, with many united drupelets, crowned with persistent calyx; pyrenes subreniform, 1.5–2.5 × 1–1.8 mm, distinctly rugose. Fl. not seen, fr. Aug–Sep.
Mountains; 2000--2300 m. NE Guizhou (Fanjing Shan, Jiangkou Xian).