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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

236. Astragalus multiceps Wallich ex Bentham in Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 199. 1835.

二尖齿黄耆 er jian chi huang qi

Astragalus bicuspis Fischer.

Plants to 60 cm tall, mostly branched at base, with ± spreading hairs 0.4-2 mm, vegetative parts only white hairy. Stems of current year up to 40 cm, villous. Leaves 2.5-4.5 cm, spreading; stipules 4.5-9 mm, semiamplexicaul, adnate to peti­ole for 1.5-2 mm, ciliate, otherwise glabrous or hairy; petiole 0.5-1 cm; rachis thin, hairy, free spiny tip ± as long as upper­most leaflets; leaflets in 4-6 pairs, obovate, lower ones 5-11 × 3-4 mm, hairy on both surfaces or more rarely glabrous adaxi­ally, apex rounded to retuse. Racemes subsessile or with a pe­duncle rarely up to 1.4 cm, 1-3-flowered; bracts 3-5 mm, ciliate. Bracteoles sometimes present. Calyx 9-15 mm, rather densely white hairy, sometimes also with shorter black hairs; teeth 2.5-5 mm. Petals yellow, glabrous; standard obovate, 15-26 × 7-10 mm; wings 14-23 mm; keel 13-19 mm. Legumes subsessile, 10-15 mm, 3-5 mm high, compressed laterally, with a beak 2-5 mm, incompletely 2-locular; valves leathery, densely hairy.

1300-3300 m. Xizang [India, Kashmir].


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