73c. Poa faberi var. longifolia (Keng) Olonova & G. Zhu, Fl. China. 22: 303. 2006.
毛颖早熟禾 mao ying zao shu he
Basionym: Poa orinosa Keng var. longifolia Keng, Fl. Tsinling. 1(1): 439. 1976; P. fascinata Keng ex L. Liu; P. lepta Keng ex L. Liu; P. malaca Keng; P. pubicalyx Keng ex L. Liu.
Rachilla pubescent, lemma callus usually webbed.
* Meadows among scattered thickets on slopes, grassy places on sunny slopes; 2900–4400 m. Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan.
The type of Poa orinosa var. longifolia, which is mesomorphic with a long (ca. 3.5 mm) ligule, appears to be closer to P. faberi than to the quite xeromorphic P. orinosa, which is treated here as P. versicolor subsp. orinosa.
Poa malaca combines the characters of P. nemoralis and P. palustris, having a long ligule and pubescent rachilla. The type is very soft and thin. It seems to be much closer to the P. faberi complex, differing only by the shorter ligule, and occupies almost the same area.
Poa pubicalyx has lemmas not pubescent but sometimes with prickles, which is quite common with P. sect. Stenopoa. The types and all available gatherings of P. lepta and P. fascinata are poorly developed, feeble plants that look like unstabilized hybrids. Specimens with seeds or, at least, normally developed flowers are needed for confirmation of their status.