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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 25 | Orchidaceae | Pleione

15. Pleione ×christianii H. Perner, Orchidee Beih., Deutsch. Orchid. Ges. 6: 12. 1999.

滇西独蒜兰 dian xi du suan lan

Pseudobulb 1-leaved at apex. Flower solitary, yellow overlaid with purple on sepals and petals, boldly striped with red on apical half of lip; lip 3-lobed; disk with 5 slightly erose lamellae. Fl. Apr-May.

● W Yunnan.

This entity is thought to be a natural hybrid between Pleione forrestii and P. yunnanensis. It can be distinguished easily from the two by the color of the flower.


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