153. Astragalus valerii N. Ulziykhutag, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 30: 111. 1996.
瓦来黄耆 wa lai huang qi
Plants 5-10 cm tall, with appressed to spreading hairs 0.3-0.6 mm. Stems loosely to densely covered with white hairs, below nodes also with black hairs. Leaves 1.5-3 cm; stipules 4-7 mm, loosely black hairy or white and black hairy, adnate to petiole for 0.5-2 mm, lower ones connate behind stem to middle; petiole 0.5-1 cm, like rachis loosely to rather densely hairy; leaflets in 5-8 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 4-13 × 1.5-4.5 mm, abaxially with appressed to ascending hairs, adaxially glabrous, apex obtuse to subacute. Racemes 1-2.5 cm, densely many flowered; peduncle longer than leaves, densely spreading white hairy, below raceme also black hairy; bracts 4-6 mm, white and black hairy. Calyx 5-6 mm, loosely covered with appressed to ascending predominantly black hairs; teeth 2-3 mm. Petals yellowish, honey-colored; standard widely elliptic to obovate, 6.5-9 × 3.5-5 mm, apex retuse to emarginate; wings 5-6.5 mm, rounded at apex; keel 4-6.5 mm. Ovary sessile, ovoid, glabrous. Legumes unknown.
● 3600-3800 m. Qinghai, Xinjiang.
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