42. Crotalaria anningensis X. Y. Zhu & Y. F. Du in X. Y. Zhu et al., Legumes China. 631. 2007.
安宁猪屎豆 an ning zhu shi dou
Herbs, perennial, ca. 9 cm tall, with appressed ferruginous trichomes. Stipules absent. Leaves simple; petiole ca. 1 mm; leaf blade elliptic, 5-7 × 2-3 mm, abaxially with appressed trichomes, adaxially green, with dense white papillae, base cuneate, apex acute. Racemes terminal, 3-6 cm, 6-15-flowered; bracts linear, ca. 2 mm. Pedicel 2-4 mm; bracteoles similar to bracts, ca. 2 mm. Calyx 2-lipped, ca. 7 mm, deeply (4 or)5-lobed, with appressed trichomes; abaxial 3 lobes linear 5-6 mm; adaxial 2 lobes ovate-lanceolate. Corolla yellow, exserted from calyx; standard suborbicular, ca. 6 × 5 mm, margins proximally with glandular trichomes, basal claw ca. 1 mm, with 2 pulvinate callosities, apex rounded; wings oblong, 4-6 × 2-3 mm; keel ± as long as standard, incurved above middle, beak not twisted. Ovary sessile, ?glabrous. Legume not seen. Fl. Mar.
● Yunnan (Anning).
Crotalaria anningensis is known to us only from the protologue. The presence of glandular trichomes on the margins of the standard are atypical for Crotalaria and, coupled with the absence of fruit, throws some doubt on the generic placement of this taxon. In the protologue, it states that the ovary is pilose, but in the illustration accompanying the protologue the ovary is shown as glabrous.