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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Caesalpinia

20. Caesalpinia rhombifolia J. E. Vidal, Adansonia, n.s. 15: 394. 1976.

菱叶云实 ling ye yun shi

Climbers, woody. Branches with few prickles. Leaf rachis ca. 15 cm, with prickles; pinnae 4-6 pairs, opposite; rachis 4-5 cm, with one pair of prickles at base; petiolules ca. 1 mm; leaflets 3 or 4 pairs, opposite, slightly rhombic, 1.5-2 × 0.8-1.2 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, base broadly cuneate, apex acute, rarely slightly emarginate. Racemes paniculate, terminal or axillary, 10-20 cm; pedicels 6-9 mm, glabrous or nearly so, jointed at apical part. Flower buds glabrous. Flowers yellow. Sepals glabrous, except with margin ciliate. Petals unequal, ca. 7 mm, inside hairy at base; upper one smaller, rounded at apex, contracted and hairy toward middle. Stamens with hairy fila­ments. Ovary glabrous, 1- or 2-ovuled; style ca. 1 cm. Legume obliquely semicircular, ca. 4 × 2.5 cm, leathery, ca. 1 cm stalked, apex beaked. Seed 1, broadly ellipsoid, ca. 2 × 1 cm. Fl. (not seen in China, based on original description) May-Jul, fr. unknown.

Thickets. S Guangxi (Dongxing) [Vietnam].


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