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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Butea

3. Butea buteiformis (Voigt) Grierson & D. G. Long, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 37: 346. 1979.

西藏紫矿 xi zang zi kuang

Meizotropis buteiformis Voigt, Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. 239. 1845 ["buteaeformis"]; Butea minor Buchanan-Hamilton ex Baker; B. xizangensis X. Y. Zhu & Y. F. Du; Megalotropis buteiformis (Voigt) Griffith.

Shrubs or perennial herbs, up to 5 m tall. Stems erect or scandent, angular, pubescent with brownish hairs. Petioles 10-20 cm; leaflets broadly ovate-elliptic, 15-45 × 12-35 cm, seri­ceous with brownish hairs abaxially, appressed pubescent adax­ially, lateral veins 10-12 pairs, reticulate veins distinct abax­ially, base rounded or truncate, apex acute. Racemes or panicles many flowered. Calyx 6-8 mm, pubescent with brownish hairs. Corolla orange-red; standard broadly elliptic, recurved, ca. 1.5 cm; wings narrowly ovate, falcate, ca. 1.3 cm; keel ovate, ca. 1.7 cm. Legumes (4.5-)6-10 × 2-3 cm, tomentose with brownish hairs.

Dry valley slopes, open grasslands; 1800-2000 m. Xizang [Ban­gladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal].


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