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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

281. Astragalus kessleri Trautvetter, Bull. Soc. Imp. Natural­istes Moscou. 33(1): 496. 1860.

凯斯列黄耆 kai si lie huang qi

Plants 20-27 cm tall, nearly acaulescent, caespitose. Stems up to 1 cm, densely covered with remnants of old stipules and petioles, very densely appressed hairy. Leaves 4-6 cm; stip­ules 3-4 mm, ± densely covered with subappressed, medifixed, white hairs ca. 1 mm; petiole 2-3 cm, like rachis loosely hairy, hardening with age and partly persistent; leaflets in 5 or 6 pairs, narrowly linear-elliptic, 8-20 × 1-2 mm, both surfaces loosely to rather densely appressed hairy, apex subacute. Racemes 5-8(-15) cm, remotely flowered; peduncle 8-12 cm, sparsely hairy; bracts 1.5-2 mm, subglabrous. Calyx tubular, 7-8 mm, loosely covered with appressed, medifixed, black hairs 0.3-0.4 mm and with slightly longer white hairs; teeth ca. 1 mm. Standard narrowly obovate, ca. 20 mm, apex slightly retuse; wings ca. 19 mm; keel ca. 16 mm. Legumes with a stipe ca. 1 mm, pendulous, narrowly oblong, 14-20 mm, 2.5-3 mm high, apex shortly acuminate; valves glabrous or with scattered, appressed, white hairs.

Xinjiang [Kazakhstan].


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