4b. Erythrina stricta var. yunnanensis (T. S. Tsai & T. T. Yu ex S. K. Lee) R. Sa, Novon. 16: 267. 2006.
云南刺桐 yun nan ci tong
Erythrina yunnanensis T. S. Tsai & T. T. Yu ex S. K. Lee, Guihaia 13: 101. 1993.
Trees, ca. 7 m tall. Branches with few prickles. Terminal leaflet broadly reniform-oblate, 17-19 × 21-24.5 cm, lateral veins 7 or 8 pairs and convex, base broadly cuneate, apex caudate, mucro 10-15 mm; petiolules 11-15 cm; lateral leaflets oblate, 17-18 × 7-21 cm, base almost truncate to broadly cuneate, apex with short mucro. Raceme with flowers in clusters of 3 or 4. Legume compressed, without obvious constriction between seeds. Seeds dark brown.
● Mountain slopes; ca. 1400 m. Yunnan.
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